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What a plant based diet has done for me...

I'd like to share the reasons why I went plant based in January 2018 and the amazing health benefits I've seen along the way.


It began when I found out I was intolerant to eggs after excessively eating them, 3 a day no doubt, which was the cause of the intolerance. I decided to do the elimination diet, which means you eliminate a whole massive list of foods that are commonly known to irritate individuals such as most meat, dairy, eggs, citrus, some nuts etc. After being on the elimination diet for just 4 days I had an amazing breakthrough that I literally just realised one evening... and that was that I hadn't been bloated since I started this diet. I know bloating is a really common thing, especially with women, however the bloat I was dealing with was extremely painful that I'd be consuming way too many bloating tablets, and end up having to try and sleep the pain off..which most of the time kept me up most of the night from being uncomfortable. If you are one of these sufferers I'd defiantly advise doing the elimination diet and see where this takes you.


Now getting to the health benefits I've found since cutting out meat and dairy:

1) SO much energy - I've noticed a huge energy boost every day from the minute i wake up to the minute i go to bed.

2) My skin is so bright and clear - HUGE decrease in unhealthy saturated fats coming from animal products (red meat, pork, dairy, eggs) and plants contain many minerals, vitamins and are hydrating.

3) My strength during my workouts and increased motivation - having a clear mindset knowing you are doing something good for animals makes you VERY happy (animal welfare was not the original reason I went vegan but now i am aware of what goes on in that industry I am SO proud to not contribute any longer)

4) I have become leaner - plant based diets (when following the right diet) are very low in fat (saturated is the bad type) and full of an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates and heart healthy fats (such as avocados).

5) Vegan food is AMAZING! - people think vegan meals are bland/boring but you guys don't know what type of food your missing out on! the incredible creations that can be made with veg/beans/soy/quinoa/rice...the list goes on, is out of this world!


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